Enhanced Riding

Some Customer Comments...

Thanks for today Jim.

Kevin and I had a great day - it was his first day on track since a small crash at Silverstone and your insights and approach were exactly what he needed.

Cheers, Glynn

Feedback from Glynn following a HRT day @ Cadwell 29.08.24

Thanks for an enjoyable ride through the Yorkshire Dales, some amazing roads to practice all aspects of riding.

You provided a comprehensive written report which highlighted areas for ongoing development- but I found your feedback each time we stopped to be invaluable. This was done in a relaxed and conversational way which I enjoyed.

I’m used to receiving feedback which focusses on the principles of advanced riding, which you also did - but the greatest impact on the day came from your points on bike control. The changes made an immediate improvement to my riding style with the bike much more stable in corners.

I would recommend you to anyone looking to improve their riding, safety and bike control from a highly experienced and knowledgeable trainer. -- Glynn

Glynn -- Burley

Afternoon Jim,

Thank you for your comprehensive Assessment Report which was well received. It actually made a welcome change to have an independent experienced rider take a look over my riding indifference to either an IAM or ROSPA examiner. I find with an examiner I've a tendency to 'overthink' which can spoil the flow of your ride whereas I was more relaxed on our assessment ride.

Derek -- Salterforth

What a treat, so many small elements added up to such a great day's riding. Thirty years on a bike and didn't think tbh I'd learn much...so so wrong. And report that followed has really helped embed what I learned on the day So many thanks Jim.

Alan -- Streatham, London.

"Firstly, many thanks for a great two days at Cadwell last week. It was a riding "highlight" of the year for me - made extra special by all of the great Instructors assembled by Hopp. I had a great ride home putting much of my learning into practice."

Steve - Peterborough

"I really enjoyed the day and I definitely picked up some good pointers to improve my riding. I particularly was very happy to be allowed to go at my own pace, (no, "not making enough progress", comments), and the relaxed atmosphere had me enjoying myself"

Darrel - Cumbria

“Three of us booked a day with Jim in Horsforth Woods as we wanted to have a go at trials riding. Although our group varied hugely in talent and experience, Jim seamlessly tailored his coaching to each level so that the challenges we tackled – in the same woods, on the same bike! - were fun rather than daunting. Jim is a superb coach and also provided a truly epic lunch.”

Sheila, Al, & RollinRoger


Thanks for a great day yesterday. I managed to get some one to one time with Jim, it was a great help I learned a lot.

Looking forward to the next one


(Email received by Robert Bensley following a BMW Club day @ Cadwell)

Dan Shore

I have had training from, IAM, RoSPA and Hopp Rider Training, which combined have made my ride safer, quicker, fluid, and relaxed but I felt that I was still missing an edge when compared to some. To this end I had an assessment with Jim with the aim of understanding where I was and what I could do to gain the edge that I felt was amiss. Although my riding was of a good standard Jim identified several areas that I could refine including turn-in and using physiology to link vision with weighting and control.

Over and above the authority derived from his experience and skill, his natural manner make him easy to be with, easy to respect, and great to learn from.


Rudy - Ingleton

Good to see you yesterday Jim. It was impressive watching you with your group. One of which went past me like an ape with his arse on fire on the last free lap. You obviously made a difference!

I wondered if, on some event, we could go round steady and possibly on comms if that’s allowed to be more accurate and faster? I’d like to be better at Barn and I find it hard to put the gas on at Mansfield and the Gooseneck. Any help would be appreciated.


Pete Ryder - following a HRT Better Riding Day @ Cadwell 6th August 2020

As always thoroughly enjoyed my day out with yourself, I don’t often ride with other people so a few miles, a coffee and chat then carry on, is always good and using the balls of my feet somehow makes the bike feel planted as I turn in.

The Corona virus may hamper my practice but I got a good ride the next day as I said I would, took the road out from Pool-in-Wharfedale towards Beckwithshaw all the way to the Skipton-Harrogate road. Rode it fast, (for me), and tried to drive the bike out of the corners, accelerating earlier than I would normally do, and really felt the bike was more stable. I’m not sure how well you know the road, there’s a great Left hander at the tops where the road is banked, the next right always feels tighter than I’d like, this time I took it comfortable and smooth. After Beckwithshaw there’s a set of steep descending hairpin turns and I felt more in control than ever, and that I entered faster, turned quicker, and accelerated out earlier - so really chuffed.

Due to the current health concerns we may have to see how summer goes but thanks for the assistance, its definitely helped, I just need more practice to make this a more natural action than one I need to think about.

Ian - Leeds, (20th March 2020 prior to the Covid-19 restrictions).

Ian Owen

In over ten years of riding and a happy hobby of collecting Further Training on my bike, I have gained more from my time and subsequent progress with Jim than with/on any other instructor/course.

Daisy - York.

My comfort, confidence and subsequently my proficiency and fluidity in riding have benefited enormously from Jim's tuition.

With endless patience, understanding and perceptiveness, his individually tailored approach and wealth of knowledge and experience ensure the absolute most is got from your time with him.

Daisy - York.

Daisy - York.

The hardy souls who attended had an excellent day learning and practising potentially life-saving skills. Sure the rain was a pain but conditions really added value, particularly on hard braking and swerving. Most of us have dramatically improved our capacity to stop quickly by learning to love our front brake! (Simple but oh-so significant). Some of us just need to get the hang of left and right - Rudy Rengers, MBEAM

Rudy Rengers

Dave Weisenburger -- Thanks, Rudy Rengers for organising this event and a big thank you to Jim Bryan for delivering a great training day.

Dave Weisenburger

What a great day. I’m sure that we all came away as more competent riders. The key thing in my mind is that if we don’t practice we go back to square one again. - Peter Burridge, IAM Examiner.

Peter Burridge

"I'd be hard pressed to find a more thoughtful riding coach. Jim asked open questions, encouraged me to reflect on what I wanted, and encouraged me to challenge myself.

In just one session his sage advice extended my planning, made me a smoother rider, with a still larger, "bubble of safety", and a long-lasting grin.

Welsh Wizard!

On Monday I spent a wonderful day with Jim Bryan of www.enhancedriding.com to brush up my motorcycling.

We rode through North & West Yorkshire, and I learnt lots about how I think and how that affects the way I ride.


Good advice from seasoned professionals sometimes does come cheap............. and Jim is great company too.

John. P. M. (IAM National Observer) - Ipswich

J. P. Morgan - IAM National Observer

Trials Bike Training - July

Following my weekends road training with Jim in April I spent a part day learning some trials bike skills. This was an excellent opportunity to hone some important control skills which have since greatly assisted my road riding. In particular this training emphasised the importance of looking to where you want the bike to go. Jim is a great host and a very calm and patient transmitter of his skills and knowledge.

Weekends Road Training 8th / 9th September.

An opportunity to refresh and expand on my earlier road training with Jim in April. Since then a number of questions had accumulated in relation to my increased experience as a rider; Jim was as ever able to advise accordingly with well thought out comments and answers. It was really interesting to see the impact my trials bike session had on my confidence in looking through corners and slow maneuvering. I value the specific points that Jim highlighted for me to take away and work on as part of my continued learning.

Part Day Trials Bike Training 23rd October.

I shared this day with my 10 year old son who whilst an accomplished cyclo-cross and mountain bike rider had never previously controlled a motorbike. Jim immediately confirmed that our trust in him as an instructor was well placed. My son was very quickly standing on the pegs, making tight turns and using the brake and throttle.

For my part, I was pleased to see that my road training and trials training were clearly interdependent, each supporting the enhancement of the other. I look forward to seeing how my road ridding improves after this trials session.

I want to thank Jim for the grace, kindness and understanding with which he applies his trade and look forward to my next training session.

All the best. Neil

Neil - Ilkley

I thoroughly enjoyed a weekends training with Jim at the end of April 2018. I had a pre-training meeting with Jim and established a list of the many things that I wanted to work on; I had only been riding a large bike for a few months at this stage. My list ranged from the relatively easy to achieve e.g. how to confidently put a big bike on the centre stand through to increasing my confidence when cornering.

I enjoyed the constant learning opportunities that Jim provided throughout the weekend and the many places and that we visited along the way. I now feel far more confident in riding my bike and once my new skills are firmly embedded I will be booking more time with Jim to become the best rider that I can possibly be.

Jim has a wonderful manner and is clearly extremely knowledgeable and skilled in the art of training people to ride motorcycles.

Neil - Ilkley

Just a note of appreciation and thanks for a wonderful day on the 8th. I am a complete novice to track days, riding a 1100RT not really a track bike, diminished fun potential. How wrong I’ve been over the years, I wished I had done a track day 25 years ago.

After the briefing I met with Instructor Jim Bryan and co-trainee Colin from Lancashire. Both Colin and I were a little apprehensive about what we were letting ourselves in for, no need to worry, Jim was very reassuring and patient, we were relative slow compared to others. This did not phase Jim, he gave wonderful clear advice and guidance and was a dream to follow round the track as Jim did our thinking for us. After each session we had a debriefing and Jim offered constructive advice in a positive manner, never undermining confidence. After each session Jim introduced another concept building upon the last session, during the track session Jim indicated when I “hit the spot,” great confidence building. I even led a couple of laps, enabling a real sense of achievement and progress.

When I looked at the time table, I thought so much time waiting. That was a complete misconception, after our debriefing, a drink and call of nature, it was time to prepare for the next session. I was completely unaware of how tiring the sessions are, 20+mins of total concentration is exhausting. I must admit by the fifth and six sessions I was regressing a little, though still immense fun hurtling round the tract; no speed cameras, but my technique slipped. Jim recognised this after fourth session suggested an energy bar, I added a double expresso.

Jim’s advice at the beginning of the day has certainly resonated with me, “today may well prove to be the start of an expensive hobby,” absolutely. I enjoyed a fabulous day, weather was fantastic unlike Thursday. May I offer my sincere thanks to you and the team for an exceptionally well organised and safe event, I’ve been reading the adverts for track days in the Journal for years and regret not taking advantage years ago. Special thanks to Jim, for his incredible coaching skills and patience, yes he has converted me and the 1100RT!

Well done once again Robert, Instructors and all the team, looking forward to seeing you again next year, expensive but worth every penny!

John Coffey - London

Some feedback a couple of months after a three day residential:

My riding capability continues to develop and from my perspective goes from strength to strength. Current mileage on the GS Rallye is 7400 having bought it new in Oct 2017.
And so to the update on the lads trip we had in Northern Spain, Andorra, Pyrenees.
It was absolutely fantastic.

Route : Santander – Fuente De – Loops around the Picos – Monesterio de Lyere – Sort – Jaca (via Pyranees)- Logrono – Santander – Portsmouth – Home(absolutely pissed it down on the way back to Leeds, just like it did when you and I rode back from Moffat to Ripley)

6 riders.
2 x GSA Triple Black (20-30 years ride experience each)
1 x GS (25 years+ experience incl Sports Bikes)
1 GS Rallye TE : That would be me (7 months ride experience)
1 x BMW K1300GT (30 years ride experience)
1 x GSX 750 (I think 20 years ride experience)

Wetherby to Portsmouth – Motorway travel in the UK. Picked up one of the lads at Chieveley Services. Coffee and a feed and then off-ski to Portsmouth was the intent….only my bike had a problem. The digital TFT dashboard went blank and all displays died. Did the ‘turn it off and turn it on again’ but nothing. We had plenty of time before Ferry so made a call to head to a BMW dealer near Portsmouth (BahnStormer). Luckily they were able to get it re-started via clearing the errors and effectively stated that the TFT dashboard needed a software upgrade. (3 hour job). The guys at BMW said the bike would be fine so off we went to Portsmouth for the Ferry. Not the best start as I was a bit nervous for the rest of the trip that a repeat performance of the dashboard issue would re-occur. As it was – it was fine for the rest of the trip. Have since had it over to AJ’s for service and TFT software upgrade and since then no issues.

Santander to Fuente De on the first evening was a bit of a challenge. Bike was loaded with luggage and I guess it was a first drive on the wrong side of the road with mountain roads and a bit of apprehension. It was all a bit strange and tense and I don’t mind admitting that for a few mins I thought I might have bitten off more than I could chew. Anyway, we arrived at the hotel for first night and got settled in for feed and a rest.

We had 3 nights in Fuente De with routes around the Picos over the following 2 days. I started to settle into my stride and felt a lot more comfortable with the twisty roads up in the hills…. On the 3rd morning we set off with full luggage as we went on our big day ride to Monesterio de Lyere. (280 miles). First hour or two was up in the hills again and suddenly it all clicked into position and I was ‘on it’. The tension of the first day on Spanish roads was gone and the ride just came alive. Everything you taught me just started to happen…. Looking through the corners. weight through the pegs. dropping the shoulder in the corner – head to the opposite side to keep horizon levels flat, anticipating the flow of the road. It all just felt amazing.
Every Day just felt better and better. We did not have a bad day and apart from one morning of damp weather we had dry /warm sunny days.
I cannot remember the exact day but I ended up in P3 staying up with one of the experienced riders and the Jixa 750. Up in the mountains, lots of tight corners and mixed road surface. I felt confident, in control, alive. If was excellent.

I can vividly recall our 1st meet in Squires Café when we talked about my wants/needs for a training programme. Faster Corners, Confidence in the wet, Road position and general improved safety were all important to me and still are. What you said that day was that you thought I could get to a point where if I did make it onto the Lads bike trip I would develop to a point where I would be able to ride mid to front of the pack and not be left behind. I did that easily!!

After that I was just treated as a competent rider and more than held my own. The roads in Spain and the Pyrenees were spectacular. We rode about 7 of the big Cols including Col du Tourmalet.
Had new tyres put on the GS before we went (swapped the Annakee 3 for BridgeStone A41) and managed to strip the back tyre down to 1mm with circa 2400 miles in total on the trip.

Overall the trip was just outstanding. I cannot describe it any other way to explain how much I enjoyed it. No crashing. No mechanicals. No near misses. Just unbelievable scenery and clean, smooth twisty fast roads with virtually no traffic for miles.

One thing is for sure – had you an I not done Moffat I would not had made it onto the trip. I’ve clearly put in a lot of miles to go from Zero skills in Oct to whatever I have achieved so far but clearly the things you taught me made it possible for me to really enjoy my first bike trip and not end up getting dropped. For that – Thank you again.

If its possible to transition from a state of sitting on the bike to sitting in the bike – I did that.
It was amazing.

Craig P

Having recently benefitted from the expert guidance provided by Jim I can, without reservation, recommend his services to anyone at any level who may wish to improve their riding skills.

Jim goes the extra mile by explaining the why’s of his guidance and it’s oh so clear that his elephantine knowledge is underpinned by decades of experience. I get the distinct impression that he knows more in his big toe than I’ve amassed in over 40 years of riding.

Notably is the way Jim makes the ‘student’ feel at ease - as he said, it was like riding with a friend. This is good as you soon relax into how you ACTUALLY do ride giving Jim the opportunity to see everything, warts and all!

If Jesus rode he would have cornered better after just a few hours with Jim :)

Finally, Jim is one of those people who combines high intelligence with his skill and passion resulting in a rare resource for all of us bikers wishing to improve our skills and safety.

Mark Hooton - Scunthorpe

I passed my bike test in Sept 2017 and within a month was the proud owner of a new R1200 GS.
Not the fastest bike in the world but certainly powerful enough to cause some serious damage to me and/or others without some professional training. And there you have it, professional training, that’s what I invested in and Jim over delivered.

We went on a 3 day residential trip to Moffat. The roads and scenery in that part of the world are just stunning and offered up every type of terrain (and weather) I needed to develop my bike skills.

Jim is a great teacher. He has vast knowledge of bike riding skills, techniques and practical common sense. What stands him out from the crowd is his ability to convey that in an easy to understand way. Our trip included plenty of coffee/feed stops where Jim uses the time to de-brief and consolidate on the skill of the moment I was trying to focus on. Only once I had mastered said skill, Jim then moves on to the next focus area, hence the rider is constantly building on a set of skills which collectively serve to make a better and safer rider.

The followup report and Go-Pro video footage Jim sent me are invaluable and a constant reminder of the things I need to focus on.

To anyone considering investing in bike training – Jim is the guy to call.

Craig P - Wetherby

Very relaxed, informative and enjoyable.

I don't think I have ever had a rear wheel locked so much yet as the day progressed I never felt like I was losing control of the bike.

Would highly recommend the experience and might just have to give it another go.

Ian - Brighouse

Having previously undertaken the intensive police advanced training, and qualified to Class 1 level, I recognise that it is so important & worthwhile to keep the road skills current and sharp. It is for these reasons that I now continue with scheduled refresher training and undertake the 3 yearly ROSPA rider test.

I have known Jim for many years, and I (… among many others, who I also know) truly respect his extensive depth of experience. Jim’s stand out features could be best summarised as follows:

A supremely skilful rider (to be read ‘smooth as ...’);
For his bespoke training style (read as ‘the personal touch’); and
His respective and relevant qualifications (read as ‘an enviable list’)
He is most definitely my ‘go to guy’ for bike training. Although, there are plenty of bike trainers out there – it is Jim who I personally trust and value.

I have referred to Jim on numerous occasions for rider training. Jim has always been able to develop a training plan, specifically designed around what I am seeking to achieve. Every session with him has been worthwhile, whether this be over 3 days, 2 days, or even a half day here and there.

Independent and structured feedback is never wasted!

My recent ROSPA 3 year re-test in December was preceded by a ½ day session with Jim (read as ‘to iron out any crinkles’). Pleasingly, Jim – it was a ‘Gold’ pass!

Kevin - Brighouse

Just a quick note to thank you and my tutor Jim for a marvellous day last Thursday. I learned more in 1 day than over about 45 years of sporadic bouts of motorcycling. Hope to be able to do another BRD with you at some point in the future.
Many thanks once again and best regards

Ian (following a Hopp Rider Training, Better Riding Day (BRD) @ Cadwell Park)

A really well run event , felt totally safe all day , had superb training , all at a step by step pace, to absorb and then put into practice, and I really felt I improved through the day , and most importantly gained confidence in myself and bike.

We had one little episode of slightly over enthusiastic overtaking, but nothing to worry about, and Jim our instructor went and had a little word with them.

Jim our instructor is great , very patient and has a good way of teaching.

It would be great if there were 2 events at Snetterton next year, I would certainly attend both, (Cadwell too technical for me).

Have a lovely summer, and many thanks for running this event.

Julia Gilbey (sent to Robert Bensley, Sporting Secretary of the BMW Club, following a BMW Club day at Snetterton)

Just to let you know I have been doing my IAM course in Southport it's an 8 week program and I passed the test on my 5th week of it .... I know "why did it take 5 weeks" haha.

Anyway me passing the course has a lot to do with yourself and the help, advice and encouragement you have given me since first meeting you on the Moroccan trip.

So thanks for everything it's appreciated

Jim - Wirral

I spent two days training with Jim, have to say it was excellent. Jim’s approach is quiet and constructive, building on what you have rather than having to start again.

His method is to introduce small steps in small time periods, so you can learn a variety of new techniques without feeling completely overwhelmed with too many things at once.

All in all it was thoroughly enjoyable and I learnt an awful lot. Money very well spent, (and that’s from a Yorkshireman!!)

Steve - St Agnes, Cornwall

Once again thanks so much for your time, patience and constructive feedback. Your report was very detailed and most helpful, (very kind too and has helped my confidence!).

Re feedback for your web - I truly can't think of anything negative. Possibly, it might have been good for me to have had the radio in my ear, but I accept I wasn't keen on this because of what was fitted to my helmet, that was my decision.

Overall, you put me at ease, helped me to relax and enjoy the day totally.

Clear suggestions for improvement without in any way making me feel uncomfortable. Basically a big confidence boost, (despite the ride into Squires!). Great to get the videos and report afterwards to take in at leisure, reflect on and go back to - I will definitely want to return at some point.

Karen, Pudsey

Having undertaken the track day at Cadwell, I decided it was time to brush up on my low speed skills with an Off Road Trial day with Jim.

What a great day, Jim's relaxed but informative instruction allows you to safely build your confidence and skills so before you know it you are undertaking manoeuvres and challenging terrain you’d have shied away from previously, all with a big grin.

I enjoyed it so much I purchased a cheap trials bike the week after!

Simon - Baildon

Another very enjoyable session, relaxed and informative, a great way to find out how I am developing my riding skills, and unfortunately which of my bad habits are sticking around.

But that’s why I book the day, to find out what I’m doing well and what I need to improve on.

Thanks, Jim.

Ian -- Leeds

I have read through your observations and advice numerous times now and I am grateful for your accurate and frank break down of my ride out with you.

As I had asked, you have given me exactly what I wanted, which was to assess my riding and signpost what I needed to do to immediately improve my riding.

I have immediately implemented some of your observations and been more aware of the faults I had.

I have began siting closer to the tank, which has allowed my arms to have more bend. I now keep my feet tucked in & have the balls of my feet on the pegs.

I am more aware of my road positioning and I appreciate the increased visibility and additional time it allows for decision making.

Having said that it is definitely something I need further instruction in.

I still find myself scanning ahead of me a little short, which I'm sure is down to car driving but I am working on that.

Finally I would like to take further instruction with you in the near future,I will be in touch soon.

Thank you again for your shared expertise

Brian Mclean

I am a born again biker after a 30 year lay off and felt in need of some training so I booked two days training with Jim. I found his style of teaching made me feel at ease and comfortable which helped my learning. Jim assisted me to identify the areas that I wanted to focus on which we then worked on in the training sessions.

I got out on my bike yesterday and the training he did with me is definitely starting to pay off. Particularly with respect to cornering. I grin every time I shift my weight, lean over and gently accelerate round the curve and my bike goes just where I want it :)

I am still wary about the slow speed stuff but the trials riding has definitely helped especially the advice to look ahead to the place you want to go.

Jim`s training has helped me enormously and my riding and my confidence continue to improve in leaps and bounds as I put into practice the things he has taught me.

I would definitely recommend Jim to any biker wanting to improve their riding skills.

Tony Callaghan -- Eccleshill

As I said before, I thoroughly enjoyed our 'session' and look forward to our next one. Your instructing style is to be recommended, (I used to teach instructors how to instruct), relaxed, approachable yet commanding and informative, correcting where necessary. It works well and certainly put me at my ease to the degree that it was like going out for a ride with a friend giving pointers. I'm not sure if this is what you intended but that's how it felt - to me. It worked.

I believe that I have learned a lot from that short lesson, so much so that I have been passing on your experience to one of my friends. Needless to say, he has told me to 'go multiply' numerous times but has taken onboard what I have suggested. He read your report and can see his own failings as well. So, in essence, two of us gained from only me taking the lesson. Bonus!

James -- Castleford

A fantastic day, relaxed enjoyable and educational. It’s surprising how many things you mentioned to me that I suddenly thought

“I know, I’ve been doing that for ages”

Now I’ve been working on correcting many if not all. Quite sad to say, even when I’m driving my car I practice some of the techniques and lines, or at least think about how I’d ride up a particular road if I were on the bike. I like many others feel that my riding has improved loads since our ride, would highly recommend you to anyone prepared to listen.

My one criticism, You need more faith in the British weather, The sun ALWAYS shines when you’re on two wheels, with or without an engine.

Thanks once again

Ian Owen - Leeds

I contacted Jim after returning from a bike tour of Morocco due to the fact I felt I was lacking in ability and confidence to ride the bike safely and in a controlled manner. I had a few reservations about going through bends at speed, going down mountain roads at speed amongst others and I knew I needed to overcome them. Jim offered me a place on a 3 day trip to Scotland to Moffat to stay in the Buccleuch Arms Hotel, (this alone was amazing, staying with the host and his family who themselves are diehard bikers with the best knowledge of Scotland I have known… given they are not from the UK) – the trip was just 4 of us, which was perfect for allowing enough time to be instructed but also enough time to relax and put in to practice what you had just learned.

Jim said before we went to Scotland that I should see a difference in my confidence and ability to handle the bike much better by dinner time on the first day….this didn’t happen by dinner time it was more like 2pm in the afternoon but he was true to his word …I could really see an improvement, which in turn meant I could enjoy the ride.

We had various weather, (as you would expect in Scotland), but each day we carried out something different and it was never a chore or boring in what we done, it was exciting mainly due to the fact that every time you carried out the manoeuvres you had been taught you could see the benefit from it there and then, and this gave you more enthusiasm to want more. The days went quick, every few hours we would stop for a brew and out came the note book for Jim to go over a few points – but it was never to the point were you started to fall asleep, they were more bullet points of the areas he thought needed attention and then we were off again to the next café.

All in all the whole 3 days were very well organised and planned to cover all my requirements, (I know the same was said by Martyn the other lad on the trip), and for this I would like to recommend Jim and his company to anyone who feels they need that little bit of extra tuition or even just a refresher – we are never to old to learn.

Jim is very knowledgeable in all things motorcycles, he is very friendly and a really good guy to spend time with, he teaches you not like an old English teacher, (although he looks like one), but more so in a language that most bikers relate to and this is just what I wanted.

I honestly cant think of a single negative point of the whole experience, (even the rain helped me to be better prepared for weather).


Jim - Huyton

As you’ve worked with me before, I wanted to see if you felt my riding had progressed and also if I was falling into any bad habits or had got rusty over the winter. A friend who works in schools asked me about training with you and I said it’s like having the inspectors in - he'll tell you where you are, what’s working and what needs further improvement.

Before the session you asked me if there was anything I wanted to work on. I'd urge anyone to be really honest at this stage about anything they feel is holding them back - no matter how small or ‘silly’ it might seem. I can’t thank you enough for helping me tackle my own personal little demon -you have a wonderful way of putting people at ease. We had such a laugh I forgot all about feeling stressed!

As well as working on areas I’ve identified, you are really good at picking up on things I’d never realise myself. This is SO valuable and I’ve kept these learning points in mind in my riding since we met.

My friend joined us for the second part of the session. I’d never taken a pillion before so this was something completely new for me. The three of us had a useful discussion before getting on the bikes so I was feeling pretty relaxed by the time we set off, particularly as you’d given us some really handy hints on the best ways for pillions to get on and off the bike. It was a learning curve finding out how the bike behaved two up. Following some frank feedback from you and my pillion the second part of the ride was much smoother and I started to properly appreciate the difference in riding styles needed for solo versus two up riding.

It was lovely to see you again. All in all it was a very useful session. I learnt a lot as well as having a fun day out. What more could I ask?

Thanks again,


Jim, I had a great day today. You've seen my picture on Facebook. A place called Bagneres Real. It is desert and the roads are loose gravel. So I was on my pegs and loving it.

But it was the ride there that I wanted to thank you for. It was twisty and tough and I loved it. No 'voices'. I'm still not as fast or as smooth as I would like to be, and I want to be better at hairpins. But it was great fun, so thank you.

Hope you have a great time on the Island.


As a late entry motorcyclist I found that inconsistency in confidence and therefore competence were seriously impacting my ability to enjoy the sport.

Some days I loved it, others I couldn’t wait to get off the machine and lock it away in the garage.

Jim has an extraordinary ability to inspire confidence. After an initial chat and first ride assessment, Jim’s instruction transformed my riding.

After a full day with him, I was buzzing, brimming with confidence and excited to get back on the bike. I couldn’t recommend him highly enough.

My only word of warning to prospective clients…make sure you bring enough cash to keep him in ice creams…!

All the best


Having passed my Advanced Motorcycling Test, I still felt there was more to learn and kept hearing the name Jim Bryan mentioned and was curious as to what else he could teach me

I wanted to improve my speed and positioning around corners and so took steps to have half a days training with Jim around North Yorkshire.

Firstly after an initial chat with Jim where he got to know a little about my riding background and what I wanted to achieve, a date was set and we were ready for the off.

Apart from Jim's massive knowledge on motorcycling, he is an excellent teacher and with the help of a radio makes you feel at ease and gives you good instructions on where to go throughout the day.

The main benefit from my day with Jim was his attention to detail with my riding. One aspect was he pointed out that I was turning too early in the corner and it was this I needed to practice. My entry speed was right it was mainly the turn in time and keeping the throttle constant though the corner. It is feedback like this that can make all the difference and take your riding to the next level.

With Jim's easy relaxed manner I feel he could help any type of rider from experienced to just starting out. You even get a video of your day and also a very detailed assessment of your ride.

Instead of buying your next motorcycle add-on book a day with Jim you will not be disappointed, I can't wait for the next one.

Kind Regards

Stuart Wallace - Sheffield Advanced Motorcyclists

I'd previously done, and enjoyed, the IAM's Skills for Life program - but still felt a sense of 'what else don't I know?'

Where I live and ride mainly the roads are quiet, twisty and fun - but marred by poor surfacing and dozy drivers. I wanted more confidence on patchy surfaces, my technique honed for cornering and an improvement on my observation skills.

During our initial meeting, (done over breakfast and several coffees), we discussed what I hoped to get out of the next few days. I'll admit to a small amount of scepticism to the "we'll have that lot nailed by lunchtime - what else?" reply to my initial wish-list, but true to his word, Jim was right!

At our first coffee stop Jim had picked out several little 'ticks', bad habits and nuances that were doing nothing but make life difficult for myself. Getting these alone ironed out made an improved difference that I'd have happily paid for the training course for, yet this was all done after one hour's training.

I'll admit to a little wry smile to myself and a thought of "you fly old bugger!!" at the point where I twigged that there was a big end-goal to every little exercise that Jim was teaching us.

Jim's coaching style ranges from perfectly logical, (I'm a massive fan of being taught WHY to do something as well as HOW), to utterly inspired.

We covered techniques for riding and cornering in the wet - tested and proved in some of the foulest weather I've ever seen, let alone ridden in. Observation techniques, taught in the car-park at lunch and put into practice during our ride got my eyes raised and finally seeing things much further ahead than before. We covered sitting position, chin position, riding position, road position... You name it, we did it.

The result?

Well. If I'd been told at the start of the week that I'd manage a completely safe 80+ mile ride (through A roads, B roads and busy town centres) without needing to touch my brakes ONCE... I'd have thought you were mad in the head.

But with the accumulation of new techniques, tips and ironing out of bad habits meant we did just that. And all at a much brisker pace than the morning's ride (with my original comfort braking, bad lines and shonky road positioning all in play) and yet feeling much more relaxed at the same time.

I was fortunate to spend 3 days riding around Southern Scotland with Jim and his Yoda-like knowledge and enthusiasm for motorcycling is infections and I thoroughly enjoyed every minute of our training.

I'd highly and wholly recommend anyone from beginner to budding knee-scraper to invest in "Enhanced Riding" training. I have absolutely no doubt that you'll become a better, safer and more confident rider as a result.

Thanks so much once again

James - Dumfries

Hi Jim

Back in Oz now - all good, Spring here. Lovely!

Back at work - business as usual. Only done short trips on the KLR 650. Will look at something lighter to continue my off road career.

Your education sessions were wonderful. Great fun and instructive at many different levels - practical, philosophical - spiritual even! I enjoyed immensely and have come away a better person. And a better motorbike rider.

Your style of teaching suited this, (aging), learner impeccably - just guiding and letting it happen - which, slowly but surely, it did. And I felt that.

I enjoyed re-watching some of the video - even the odd spill!

I hope to go a bit further with the trials stuff as and when time/circumstance allows. I'll be back in touch if up your way in coming years and hope some of my mates might be in touch too!

Chris - Tasmania

Hi Robert, thank you for an fantastic day. Never been to Cadwell before but the excellent tuition from Jim in our group 5 was second to none, such a helpful and knowledgeable guy. The amount of track time was awesome can't wait for next year

Darren - (e-mail sent to Robert Bensley following the BMW Club track day @ Cadwell Park)

Jim - I felt a bit nervous before going out on track, but you quickly put me at ease and following you round for a few laps was instantly enjoyable.

You got the balance just right between observation, feedback, and instruction, and there were enough sessions to feel I had time to practise the different techniques we talked about.

I also felt that the track was a good place to work on some of the techniques we'd talked about previously whilst training on the road, and they seemed to make more sense on the track, and started to fall in to place.

It was a very exciting 2 days all topped off by winning the, "Rider of the Event", award!

I'd love to say that it was down to me being utterly fantastic and naturally talented, but I think your excellent tuition might have had something to do with it!

Lovely to see you again - look forward to next time.

Alison - Chesterfield

Many thanks for a great two days at Cadwell last week. It was a, "riding highlight", of the year for me, made extra special by all of the great Instructors assembled by, "Hopp".

I had a great ride home putting much of my learning into practice!

Steve - Peterborough

This is my second outing with Jim, and to be perfectly honest it started out just as nerve wracking as the first! But, that is just me, and not how Jim makes you feel.

The day starts with a coffee and a chat of what you want to cover. I had a clear plan this time of what I wanted, and had narrowed it down to, "EVERYTHING!".

We started with some slow speed work, feet up "U" turns, figures of 8, etc., something nobody ever does after they get their CBT, but it really is vital.

Then off onto the road and a quiet start to ease into the mood and situation, then into Harrogate one of the smallest, prettiest, and busiest places on the planet, for some filtering work.

Through Harrogate and off into the Dales, the roads open and the shoulders start to relax again. Coffee stop and first review, "Keep your head up - No, not just your eyes, your HEAD". "Be in the right gear, and at the right speed when you get there so you don't have to brake and change gear as you get there. Then you're straight off, smooth as you like".
Onto lunch and another de-brief over a Ploughman's. Fed and watered, and with a plan we set off again.

The road is a meandering ribbon of tarmac ranging from wide open sweeping bends, to hedged-in blind hairpins, it pulses from wide to narrow again and again, the only thing it doesn't have, or I don't notice, are any straights.

The aim is to ride as fast as you can there and back without using your brakes. Forward planning and the use of the gearbox is what it is all about. We do this again and again, and to be honest I cock up a different corner each time. "Oh no - Big Brake - and find 2nd, Phew!", and off again. Me, I think it's good practice for Jim - to keep him on his toes, so he doesn't run into the back of me.

I'm getting the hang of this now so we stop off again, this time the de-brief is fed with lovely ice-cream and sunshine.

The next part of the day is planned, so far we've done, slow speed, open roads, towns, filtering, and A & B roads. Now just to prove that Jim covers everything, he finds some rain for us to practice some wet weather riding. Thanks Jim.

Back to our starting point for a final de-brief and another coffee - WOW, I'm shattered.

The day has been totally relaxed and friendly, and entirely suited to my wishes. Any points Jim spots will be addressed in a positive way, giving you the confidence to put into practice what you've learnt, and improve as you go - there is no "right", or "wrong", and the day is far from rigid or formal. It makes you ride better whatever speed you ride at.

Everybody should give the day a go, if not fit it into their annual biking routine - it would be a fantastic way to start your biking season, and get it off to a flying start.

Many thanks for a wonderful day Jim, and you will be seeing me again for another session.

Steve Price - Barnsley

Cadwell race track with Jim Bryan - “Highly addictive and recommended”.

Having invested another two days with Jim three months ago on the road, (Borders area), it was time to up skill further and do the next step. Jim had recommended two days on the track at Cadwell Park in Lincolnshire.

During the two days at Cadwell, Jim started with a detailed pre-ride briefing covering all the moves, corners, techniques and subtleties needed on the track.

In between sessions, we sit down and debrief, it closes the gap even further and sets up a reinforcement plan for the next session.

As this was my first track experience, I soon realized that I had to switch off from my road riding skills and quickly adapt to the track

Day two - A brief reminder before we get back on the track, which helped everything from the previous day come together even better. After two more sessions, it all seemed to be working out nicely.

What’s the next steps to take after two great days on the track? It’s easy for me as I found track riding totally addictive and can see myself doing lots more in the future.

From my first session to the last I was buzzing with excitement and the thrill of it all.

If any of you riders would love to do a track day, have never been on a track before, would like to do so, would like to learn a completely high skill level, and in a safe environment, then Jim is the maestro when it comes to training and getting results.

Dev - Sheffield

Advanced riding With Jim Bryan

Having invested three days with Jim more than a year ago it was time to do another two and up skill further, what I wanted to achieve was already clear in my mind. It was a need to polish my traffic management and group riding technique.

Day one - 9 am. Jim's pre ride briefing and detailed questioning at Squires, helped me add more goals. He did his usual thing before we set off, by finally expressing my needs far more clearly and thoroughly than I had, how does he always manage to do that?

Off on the bikes to Moffat then, covering absolutely all the moves, techniques and subtleties needed to meet the aims of the day. It's was a step by step, position by position, move by move thing until everything was getting close to second nature.

After checking in at Moffat we sit down and debrief, it closes the gap even further and sets up a reinforcement plan for day two.

Day two - Breakfast and a brief reminder before we set off helped everything from the previous day come together. Repetitively applying and reinforcing the principles and techniques covered the previous day until, later on in the day, he claimed he was satisfied, ending with “that was perfect Dev”

Jim proved to me again that he's the maestro when it comes to training. He doesn't shoot from the hip, he's a detail man. All you need is the right learning attitude and like me you will arrive home with with a completely different skill level.

A few days later I received Jim’s trademark video footage and extensive written appraisal. There were some next steps to think about and more ways to improve. No time for slacking then, homework to do and another session to plan for the Autumn.

Riding with Jim is not for the faint hearted. He works you hard, makes sure you understand the how to and then do it. You get your money's worth and more. The intensity is almost SAS style and will take you from the unknown and into the light. So, rather than spend your money on a new end can then, spend some on a make-sure-you-can instead.


A great day out and well run, Jim clearly knows his stuff but as they say the proof of the pudding is in the eating and to get a complete motorbike novice (never ridden before) from nervous trial virgin to being able to take on lines through trees, round tight (ish) bends and over rocks with in a few hours really tells you all you need to know about the level of expertise from Jim and the manner in which it was delivered.

Id have no question in recommending Jim and encourage all to get in touch and give trials a go :-)

Tom Hurndall


Thanks once again for a great day. I am laying on the settee doing nothing and not capable of doing much else !!!!

Nick - Leeds


just a short note to say thanks for everything. Moffat and the surrounding area were everything you said they would be and the Buccleuch Arms was far more. Great people and great food.

I got all I wanted from the riding, your feedback was really helpful, helping me to cut through the issues to get to the points I needed to work on. I have lifted my vision and now feel I have much more time for decision making and thereby much more confidence in the twisty bits. My only complaint was that the video ended just before that great ride on Wednesday afternoon!

Anyway, thanks again. I will be in touch for a top up at some point, in the meantime, get rid of that noisy Ducati, watch out for hares and - eat more cake!

Best regards,

[some time later...]

A curious thing happened today. My wife and I rode out for breakfast, the first time she has ridden pillion for a year or so. I deliberately went bend hunting. I won't give Marquez anything to worry about but it was fluid, reasonably quick - and a lot of fun. No 'voices'! I messed up a couple, analysed the issue pragmatically and filed the results. And got on with it! Job done, or this phase anyway. Time for the next rung of the ladder....

Take care, and thanks!

Peter - Liverpool

Hi Jim,

Just a little note of thanks to you once again for a very good, informative and educational half day training given in your relaxed, enjoyable and fun way of coaching.

I gained a lot from our half day which I feel is very good value for money given your wealth of experience and its always good to get your feedback in the form of a written report and videos.

A big thanks to you Jim.

Rod - Halifax

Hi Jim,

Hope you dodged the showers on the way home.

Three simple rules

1. Vision up & use peripheral

2. Deeper into corner = faster/safer out

3. Re-position offside

That made me feel better and improved the ride.

Jim a great 1/2 day, thanks and another improvement. Your style, explanations and ability to cut through complex concepts bring across the fine points that helped me improve in a memorable and usable way. Maybe RoSPA gold soon!!!


Steve. - Pocklington

Hi Jim,

Thanks for the photos.

Looking at them brought back good memories. I just keep smiling with the memory of the few hours. It's strange, nay worrying, a grown man can get so much pleasure from riding round in circles.

The improvements with head movement, hand / finger position, foot positions, trail braking, lock to lock turns were just a delight to achieve, wont go so far as master.

The trial section was enjoyable.

Thanks learnt new skills, discussed new ideas and techniques, had fun, just the best medicine, thanks Jim.

Back for more in 2014

Have a great Yule


Hi Jim

I want to to say that our training around Moffat last month was brilliant (although the weather not!) and having set off to Scotland as a rider fearful of wet and greasy conditions, I got plenty of opportunity for tuition in how to ride them safely.

In my memory our second day was on dry roads, but on watching back my videos I was surprised how the conditions were still very damp with showers, yet didn’t seem to worry me.

My riding looks smooth and flowing even on the narrow roads through the beautiful Forest of Ae.

Great credit to you Jim.

I just need to get out there more in future and use my new skills !!

Simon - High Peak

I had a great day with Jim. He quickly got my trials riding going with his professional, friendly and considerate approach. Thanks for everything including the water and lunch.

As always great value and loads of fun, bring on the next day.

Willem Louw - Motorcycle Instructor

I've trained with a Jim a few times now and each and every time I come back a more confident capable rider. His courses offer great value for money and the little extras (written reports, pictures + videos) help me to keep learning long after the day.

I can't recommend him highly enough and will be back for more myself.

Do I get a discount now Jim ;-)

Alec - Basildon

So, for some feedback on the day.

Learnt how capable the bike is and how our influence can often make things worse. Locking back wheel, sighting, weighting pegs, carrying weight low, oh all that, and remembering to breathe!

Great 1/2 day everyone should do it, it tunes you to be in touch with your bike you will find when you road ride again. I think you learn with Jim in an easy productive way the things the IAM and Roadcraft don't cover you and the bike.

One of the things you asked me was to let you know what transferred from the trials training to road riding.

Here goes, rode both my bikes and the major improvement was contact or feedback. Immediately I set off I felt more at one and less disruptive to the bike. This came about through less weight on the seat, more into the footpegs which meant the hands just rested on the bars. This has resulted in a better ride.

Jim you asked me how you can improve, so ease of appointment 10, enjoyment 10, learning 10 , catering 10 equipment 10. So bloody good, for me would have been great to have handout photo of good position and physics of bike.

Would like to book a few half days for road and off road riding when you start next year, so if we get some Friday mornings for road sorted would be great to help me dial into new year and improve as discussed at Squires.

Steve - York

Hi Jim,

thanks so much for the pics and your kind comments and constructive advice. I had a totally brilliant time offroading under your patient guidance and it has really given me a taste to try it again.

Your teaching technique is spot on, very encouraging and forgiving when necessary also easy to understand and implement. I would recommend this exhausting but thrilling half day training to anyone. I came away only slightly muddy but very happy.

Gareth - Stockport

Jim you are a star – I had one of the best days out ever!!!

I have forwarded your details to a guy called Chris, and Robin, and mates of mine who I bumped into yesterday.


Richard - Eldwick

I've ridden with Jim a few times at Cadwell. He doesn't look like he’s doing much but just try following him when he decides to let it run. His circuit knowledge seems limitless but add onto that his skill as a teacher. I've seen him take a nervously twitching wreck of a rider and convert her into one who couldn't wait to come back to the track. It obviously improved her road riding too. Also he’s a genuinely nice guy and a motorcycling enthusiast.

Trials riding, now that’s a different kettle of worms. There’s no seat for a start and the starter motor seems to have been forgotten. It’s a very foreign experience. Jim’s just the same though with a combination of patience and technical knowledge. And what a fantastic day. Two riders, me and a complete novice who went home an enthusiast. Could you ask for any more? Unbeatable for a day’s winter riding and we'll be back. See you at Cadwell too.


I was pleased, a little surprised and also a little apprehensive when I arrived at the venue - so much better than the smooth surfaced open field where I had a go on an enduro bike. There was such a variety of surfaces, gradients obstacles and challenges. It makes me want to come back again and again and achieve more each time.

You helped me to relax with clear instructions and demonstrations and were as patient as always. You gave constructive comments too and helped me to unpick exactly what went wrong when I fell off.

It was a bit unnerving at times because I didn't always feel totally in control of the bike. (I was more tense than I realised, I could feel it in my neck and shoulders the next day.) I need more time on the bike to get better at feathering the clutch so I can concentrate 100% on the terrain and looking further ahead.

I know I kept repeatedly getting my body position wrong. When I got home I watched the video Dev took of me at the end of the day and I said exactly what you said in your feedback points i to iii. The pegs are set back a bit aren't they but if I had my knees more flexed it would bring my backside forward and more central over the seat, wouldn't it? Next time can you keep telling me I'm developing bad habits – even at the risk of sounding like a parrot?!

I really enjoyed the day and it was nice to spend time with you again. Some of those challenges keep crossing my mind …doing the steeper descent (and climb), riding between those tree branches, getting tighter turns right every time (and getting less stressed in the process!) I wish I could afford a day every month until I could do all those things and more!

Thanks again

Alison - Sheffield

I thoroughly enjoyed my pillion training.

You were both very chilled and inspired my confidence. Explaining the theory before riding really helped me to understand what I was aiming for.

You were very positive in your observations.

I feel much more confident now to begin my journey as a pillion, going from someone who was a complete novice to someone with a few good tools in the bag to get started with.


Beth - Harrogate

Thanks for the written report which provided a comprehensive assessment of my riding as well as some next steps/ways to improve, which was just what I wanted. You have a relaxed and pleasant manner which put me at ease straight away. I didn't feel that nervous although I thought I would.

You seem to have me "pegged", and know that my aim is to be as fast as is safely possible, especially around corners. I didn't feel as though I was going faster on day 3 but as you say, I was. More speed is a fortunate by-product of applying the techniques you taught us, so the training is helping towards achieving my aim, and so I consider it a worthwhile investment.

I've been on a couple of group rides and had compliments, notably from one rider I like and respect a lot that I can't usually keep up with through the bends - though this time I did!

I'm pleased to say the training is paying off. I'm not getting everything right all of the time, and I do need to get out and practice a bit more and ride on my own too as you suggested.

Riding one of my favourite small roads in Derbyshire recently was SO much better, turning in that bit later, so thank you. I am really noticing benefits on more familiar roads.

I really enjoyed our 3 days, (& the food @ the Buccleuch!). Money permitting, I hope to do some more sessions with you. I'd love to do a track day and an off-road day.

Alison - Sheffield

Hi Jim,

I sit here aching all over! Thank you for the photos and for yesterday. I had a brilliant day and learnt a lot but it also taught me that there is so much more I want to learn about this and other forms of off road riding.

I can see how the skills will transfer to road riding and look forward to our road session early next year.

Thanks for the teaching, the approach was just right and above all, it was fun! I will be in touch very soon once I have organised things with Michelle.

Thanks again,

Peter - Liverpool

I had a great time with a great instructor. Jim's progressive teaching approach paid real dividends. Getting each individual section understood and practised, made the days so much more fun. I even got Charlie's one & two right at the end.

I learnt how to effectively progressively brake, and release the brakes in bends. My KTM Duke 690 was flying around the track.

Anybody who takes motorcycling seriously and wants to have a hoot of a time, must spend some time with Jim. Take my word for it, I am still smiling.

Jim is excellent company.

RoSPA Advanced Riding Instructor
Member of IAM
DSA motorcycle instructor assessment course Cardington

Willem Louw BProc LLB LLM

Yet again a superb day which not only gave me the opportunity to advance my skill set taking in some of the wealth of knowledge Jim has, but also embrace new challenges. The location was perfect for first timers, medium skilled and advanced riders. It was fun, informative and encouraging, making the day extremely rewarding. I learnt a lot from the training which not only I will apply to my trials riding but also road.

It is amazing how much knowledge Jim has retained and answers any questions whatever the area. This is the second time I have used Enhanced Riding and there will certainly be another!

If you are looking at my review you've found the right place for the best training from the top trainer possible. Book now as you will have a superb time.

Thanks Jim it was a fantastic day!

Mike W, Okehampton

I was recently at the BMW Rider Improvement Day on June 18th at Snetterton, You may not remember me but I was riding the BMW Dealer’s Red & Black S1000RR on the second to last session for the day.

I was having a great time on the fabulously competent RR when you and your HP2 Megamoto arrived in my mirrors around Coram’s. On entering the start / finish straight I explored the RR’s potential and put a large distance between you and me. A short time later, on the same lap, you were in my mirrors at Hamilton’s. Two corners later entering the Bentley Straight I waved you past and tucked in behind you.

The reason for this E-mail is to say thank you. For the next three laps I remained in your shadow following exactly your lines. I think that conservatively you put another 15 – 20mph on my corner speeds and showed just how much improvement could be made through a smooth approach to riding lines and regulated throttle control.

My only regret is that you pulled in before the end of the session. So in short – THANK YOU – you made a huge difference.

Bob Fletcher

I have been reading your report and thinking on the factors that you suggested.

My feedback to you would be that the day went well, you coped very well with two riders who know that they are at opposite ends of the scale, you were very professional in your ability to talk, emphasise and give instruction.

On the road you were very well positioned at all times which only gave confidence to our learnings.

Your overall approach was very professional and we were very pleased with the day we had under your instruction.

Dominic Gill

Hi Jim,
For me all the feedback is positive and I think you was pretty bold taking two riders as different as me & Dom but here goes :-
For me the day started well and got better & better. You have the skill to listen to people and put your point over in an easy & understandable way, (might be due to your past life!) Your approach is very friendly, (plenty of stops for drinks / chats etc.), but at the same time having a very professional structure to the day so with this balance I feel I got alot out of the day. The main points being :-

Thanks once again

Steve Clarke

This was honestly the best advanced training I have ever received. Half a day with the best of the best, a video, detailed report on your riding (with specific advice on how to progress) and an egg and bacon butty for lunch, all for a hundred pounds. What a bargain… What a service …What a day…..What a brilliant professional instructor.

I am having more.

Willem Louw BProc LLB LLM
RoSPA Diploma – Advanced Motorcycle Instructor
Member of IAM

Thank you for the two days training in the Scottish Borders, this has given me an all new perspective on motorcycle riding although I was already an I.A.M and RoSPA silver holder. I found your method of teaching a pleasent and enjoyable experience. You have a wealth of knowledge in all aspects of motorcycling and are very pleased to share this with your clients, and you appear to gain much enjoyment from passing this knowledge on, and seeing an inprovement within your client.

Nothing is too much trouble to you, you persevere with your student in your unique way of teaching in a mild, relaxed, and fun way.

I gained so much from these two days, it has instilled in me so much more confidence in myself which has improved my riding in such a way that I could only have dreamed of in the past.

This course was excellent value for money and I should have done it years ago.

Thanks once again Jim.

PS The video, report, and T/shirt just puts the icing on the cake for me.

Rod - Halifax

Why oh why did nobody show or tell me in years of falling off, stopping and just generally towing about in sections what I was doing wrong?

All the years of looking at sections and working out a line and never knowing most importantly where I should be on the bike and at what point. All the years of never knowing when to use the back brake and that it is more of a friend than my front. Why oh why did nobody tell me to stick my knees out like John Wayne and my backside back like I was messing my lycra pants, and then move my knees down and my jewels up to the bars?

All the visits to Hospital to have broken collar bones slung, heads, elbows and fingers stitched could maybe been avoided, well maybe who knows.

I know this though, I had an absolutely amazing day, I learnt things that can remove the trepidation and fear at the start of a section flags, I learnt how to prepare before a trial and how to manage myself throughout a trial, and the best of all I learnt how great it feels to know I can clean sections with that knowledge.

Thank you Jim, you made learning fun. Great bloke , great laughs, great teacher.

So many thanks Jim

Nick - Leeds

On a personal note, having had such a fantastic time it was topped off by having a training session with Jim Bryan on the Sunday morning, probably one of the most enjoyable and educational mornings of my life (I do not exaggerate ) he helped me chuck out a few skeletons which had lurked in my cupboard for a long time and consequently I am quicker, safer and, I think most importanty, really enjoying my riding again.

So many thanks Jim

Gerry L - Wiltshire

Thank you for your comprehensive report & video.The T-shirt was a very pleasant surprise. Let me once again thank you, in the cold light of day and with chance for reflection, sincerely for your company and knowledge on our day.

As promised, here is my honest and frank appraisal and review of our day.........

With the ice broken over a cup of coffee .... the conversation turned to the hardest question of the day, "What do you want out of today?" and "Where do you think you are now?" After some pondering came an amazing response:- "I want to be a better rider and I haven't got a clue!"

With goals and objectives agreed and set, we venture out. Oh yes the first few miles are horrendous as you spend most of your time looking in the mirrors to see where the instructor is and if he is shaking his head however after the first stop and mini assessment with some learning points to aim at thrown in, concentration on the ride takes over the nerves and you start to learn.The roads used are hopefully unfamiliar to focus your concentration on what you are doing. The roads are a mix of busy dual carriageways, fast "A" roads and demanding "B" roads.

There are plenty of stops for coffee and a chat about how you are doing and what to work on next. .......... The whole day was thoroughly enjoyable, like riding with a good mate who's a biking genius and not too selfish to keep his knowledge to himself.

The package comes with an in depth review of your ride, tips to keep you improving, constant encouragement; faults picked up and addressed, very,very good value for money.

Thanks for a great day Jim

Steve P - Barnsley

I had the most terrific day with you recently on my ‘Advanced session’ and just wanted to pass on a huge thanks. I was delighted with the t shirt and the report/DVD.

Your knowledge and teaching style was an education!


Well the boring old fart got me out today and we spent 10 fantastic hours high in the Dales of sunny, beautiful Yorksha on roads not too familiar to me.

It's been pointed out by a few that I've been somewhat reluctant to get the 'bike out these last few months and, in fairness, I've become somewhat 'rusty' and was a tad nervous at the thought of spending the day in the company of a personal friend who is, in my opinion, a 'top' rider both on road and track - he's also a very nice man by the way

170 miles later, having learned new techniques (I'll show you them later Pamela), Jim put the buzz back into my riding and, by mid-afternoon, I was having a hoot looking forward to the 26 bends out of Pateley Bridge and another 26 coming back down again - it's been a long time since I felt so good in the saddle and the smile on my face was genuinely from ear to ear!

Up until today I had definately slipped into a zone I didn't like - apprehensive each time I got on the 'bike - sometimes waiting for the innevitable to happen and really not enjoying it whatsoever I'm off to my pit tonight with a fresh look on things - the only thing that scares me is Jim B will be somewhere in my dreams :

Those of you who are booked in with him - you have a great day coming your way. Those of you that haven't yet taken a look at him then take it from me Many thanks Jim - I really appreciate your time today

Jim McS - Yorkshire

thanks for Friday. It was just what I needed! I really enjoyed the day and had my confidence restored.Henry and I were out again over the weekend and we had a great time.I've been practicing my emergency stops ( abs kicking in) and cornering.

L - North Yorkshire

cheers for the report and for the whole day in general, wasnt sure what to make of it at first but as the day progressed and i realised this isnt a motorcycle test! was thoroughly enjoyable, improving my confidence in my ability and giving me some incredably helpful tips on, staying alert and progessing on the road in a confident but safe manner.

many thanks for a fun and factual day out and of course the culinary pleasures to be found in north yorkshire


I spent a long half a day trial riding with Jim Bryan “Enhanced Riding” to gain additional skills and knowledge. The day was great fun and very useful indeed. With Jims encouragement, knowledge and enthusiasm it made a very beneficial day.

I covered the basics and when ready progressed to more challenging tasks. This gave me a solid foundation and the knowledge to put the lessons learnt into practice during the day. One big advantage is that with the right knowledge I could use the bike as it meant to be used and enjoy the experience to its full potential.

The challenges are for any level and it was down to me at what level I wanted to progress. With Jims commitment that you enjoy the experience plus his in-depth knowledge it makes a superb day out!

By the end of the day you will not just benefit from gaining a wealth of information and new skills but gain a friend. The day can be pitched at any level from novice to advanced rider and you are sure to come away wondering why you hadn’t booked before!

Mike - Okehampton

There are many organisations and people who offer 'advanced' motorcycle training. So what makes Jim at Enhancedriding.com that bit extra special? Well, that's relatively easy to answer. Jim is, in my opinion a supremely competent rider on road and track. That would count for nought if he wasn't up to it in the people skills department. This is the extra special bit - Jim's ability to listen, understand, ask the right questions and get to the very root of your needs. Once that has been established he used the time on road to gently introduce enhanced practice, one bit at a time. He's not shy of offering encouragement and praise where it's due and doesn't overpower you with false platitudes either.

The day will develop progressively but you won't feel rushed or stretched too far. Personally my areas of development were observation skills, looking 110% ahead and across junctions. Road positioning was honed and position on the bike was addressed too. Safety plans although innate are now brought into my riding consciously.

The big benefit from it all is that my learning curve has got a new slope, (and its upward too). After over 40 years of riding on the road I'd reached a plateau. I now have skills to practice and develop. I'm keen to get some track riding under my belt so that I can further explore both my own and my bikes capabilities without the added hazards that riding on the road presents. I have a new lease of life and my enjoyment will reap the benefits into the future.

The day was utterly brilliant not the least due to some rather wonderful ice cream.


The trip to the Isle of Man was excellent,offering great opportunities to practice a variety of skills.Once again it was well organised and fun.One of the best bits was the opportunity to ride pillion through part of the TT course,a fantastic experience of feeling the bike cornering at speed whilst being calmly talked through the process- fantastic! It was also great to experience taking the bike on a ferry and picking up tips along the way,tips which came in handy on my recent trip to Europe.Once again I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Jim to anybody who wants to get even more from their riding experience.


I wasn't quite sure what to expect from half a day of tuition. I've had some advice on advanced riding from other institutions before and it just didn't work for me. Maybe I'm difficult because I came to biking quite late in life and I don't like being patronised. My partner who knows Jim well suggested that I should try a half day training session. I met Jim for an informal talk a few weeks before the actual session. After only a few minutes it was clear for me that he was the right guy to teach me better riding. He said all the right things and asked all the right questions to prepare for the ride and we had some fun too.

On my wishlist for the ride were better road positioning and better cornering to make my riding more smooth. I've been working on that for quite a while but nobody could point me in the right direction so far. The way Jim explains things did the trick. Everything sank in and at the end of the day I was able to put all the new things I had learned on the road. My riding is not the same anymore. It was just what I needed

Since the ride I've been practicing in a way which Jim recommended and I'm still getting better and more confident with each ride out. I've already got firm plans to learn some more from Jim this year, which includes some tuition on the Nuerburgring in two weeks. I can't wait.

I can recommend Jim to anyone who wants to improve on their riding.

Linda - Kendal

I'd like add my bit as Linda's partner. I notice the difference in Linda's riding straight away, when I had to add more than the usual twist of the wrist to keep up! Linda had a confidence to the manner in which she tackles a series of bends that is a huge improvement. Most importantly she is enjoying her riding more and sees every ride as an opportunity to put her new skills into practice.

Now maybe I need some of Jim's wisdom if I'm going to keep up :)

Peter - Kendal

I had a great day! It was the longest 1/2 day I have ever had and great value for money. The points you picked on were spot on, and are a results of me falling into bad habits and having no one to correct them. I would highly recommend you to friends and if you want to pass on my phone number to people thinking of using you.


.... IT WAS AWESOME! Your preparation before the day was very helpful, even if I still wasn't able to sleep the night before! Thank God that you were able to guide me around Cadwell so that I never felt lost, not even once. Before the day I was bricking it, but experiencing my first track day in such a safe environment helped me so much, that I was able to relax and enjoy it. Now, my confidence has grown and the improvement in my riding has been noticed by my mates. Even my van driving has improved!!!

Paul -- Yorkshire

Thank you for making Paul's day @ Cadwell. He hasn't stopped talking about what a great time he had. And now he's planning to do it again, this time with our boys! (do you do group discounts?)

Lillie (Paul's wife) -- Yorkshire

I really appreciated the easy way in which you kept me focused, and made sure that I continued to develop my riding throughout the day. Thanks!!

Ben - Burley

I want to thank you so much for the time you took over my report-I've read it a few times now and find it very encouraging and useful. The video of my riding has been invaluable for me to gain more objectivity re my abilities. What is really useful is to have clear pointers as to where to focus my attention to further improve.

The three days we had together were great fun and a wonderful learning experience for me. Your style was very clear,encouraging and you picked up and preempted my tiredness in a very supportive way. I can't imagine that I would have experienced such a boost in my riding skills and confidence in any other forum.

As such,I'm keen for us to have another trip in May next year if you're available.

Lou - Bedale

.....I have a greater confidence when entering and exiting corners, and the bit in-between! I reckon I have increased my speed and also my control on bends, which has been one of my biggest concerns.......

I am trail braking into tight slow turns to good effect, ...... I am getting round tight corners without swearing to myself so that is a definite improvement

Ian W - Halifax

Many thanks Jim for a brilliant 2 day course in Wales. Thanks for your patience and easy going teaching methods!

I felt I really improved my riding and confidence to really use my bike. Looking forward to a refresher course and an off road course.

I thoroughly recommend Enhanced Riding to anyone who wants to improve their riding.

AP - Oakham

Dear Jim, I thoroughly enjoyed the recent 3 day course in the Scottish Borders. I very much appreciated your impeccable tuition and support throughout. First class!

It must be said that I found that your own personal reassuring style, and your structured training methods, were key to me being able to achieve all of my original objectives. For example: Wet weather riding - to help develop my confidence with this, you were able to provide a lengthy torrential downpour, on cue from day one, even though it was mid summer!! Marvellous.!! Having 100% confidence in your guidance, though, meant that I thoroughly enjoyed and benefited from the day. More importantly, this meant that I didn't 'bat an eyelid' when we had a further deluge on the 3rd day. Result!!

There are a few other key things which particularly helped me along the way: Demo rides by you allowed me gain further experience when I was called upon to ''mirror' these examples. I felt that the regular briefings / debriefings were of great benefit, and helped me keep focus. Good for 'reflection' on learning points. Evening chats - great for dealing with the 'transition' to the next days tuition.

Overall - 'cracking' few days. What every biker really wants - time away, being on the bike, great roads.....


Jim, just a quick note to say how much I have benefitted from the rider training...despite the torrential rain! I really should thank the lord for opening the heavens because us bikers often tend to shy away from the wet stuff and I now know there is a massive amount to learn about grip, positioning and bike control that makes dry weather riding so much better. Thanks again

Dave B - Oxenhope

An excellent instructor, quickly identified my problems and demonstrated great techniques to improve them. My riding has come leaps and bounds would highly recommend Jim to anyone who is serious about riding and wants to improve!

Dan (photo taken on his third half-day session)

I appreciated the way you took it in steady stages and I never felt out of my depth or unsafe

B.A. - Newcastle

Lots of insightful comments and positive feedback made me feel better than I thought I was. On the ride home, I realised that you had been right, I am a much better rider than I thought I ever could be !

Alli B. - Leuchars

I appreciated the way in which you identified what was wrong with my technique and gave me the right amount of encouragement to attempt new ways of approaching a problem........... you put me at my ease and gave me the space to build up my confidence

Barney R. - Ilkley

... always safety conscious with regards to all aspects of the bike which was very reassuring

M.S. - London

Thank you, it was an amazing experience, great fun, hard work and I learnt a lot. It was hard work but I wouldn't change a thing

E.F. - Kelso

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